Wednesday, February 17, 2010

BristleClan's History

For those of you who remember, I had a blog called "ReedClan". It was quite busy (and slow), but unfortunately, I moved twice during the blog's life. (Yes, I move a lot. My dad is one of those people who travels for work, and my mom works at home, so we can move pretty easily. Hopefully this time I can stay where I am, which is currently my birthplace, Chicago, IL. I love it here! Anywayz.) When I moved into my new house, my parents surprised me with a new computer, much faster and better than my super old HP something company version computer. While experimenting, I found it didn't have many programs at all. By the time I managed to hook it up and all, I found that I was enrolled in my former school. I was busy for a LONG time, and recently, I came back to blogging. Accidentally out of complete stupidity, I deleted ReedClan forever. *Waits for boos from crowd* I'm really, really sorry! Quickly I set up a new blog called BristleClan. Slowly I remade my clan. If you were a member before, I'm sorry, but you'll have to join again. Now, here's the story the cats follow:

ReedClan was attacked heavily by foxes, badgers, bears, rogues, and dogs. The quantity of cats was great, so they were able to withstand most of the attacks with few deaths. But then, twolegs attacked the camp and captured many cats. They began building something. As if the damage wasn't enough, a huge flood came through the territory, washing away the twoleg things, but also many other cats died and drowned. The territory was not suitable for living; and the remaining few cats turned to their leader for guidance. But, alas, the leader, Dappledstar, died in the flood when twoleg debris crushed him. Most cats scattered, but the several that were left agreed to build a new clan in a new territory. A new leader was chosen. Sparrowfeather, a senior warrior from ReedClan. She became Sparrowstar, and led the cats to the new territory. Unfortunately, the terrain was difficult to live in with so few cats. All but one left. Angelfur, a rogue that was injured badly in a battle, decided to join ReedClan to escape the horrid life of a rogue. She was chosen as deputy.

Now, BristleClan stands like this, in it's forest-mountain-hill territory. Sparrowstar bravely leads her clan, with Angelfur right by her side.


A surprisingly twoleg-less beach on the very edge of the territory. Come here to relax and wade through the water. It tastes salty, improper water for cats to drink.


An unsteady, abandoned twoleg barn lays here. Not even loners or barn cats venture in, for the whole structure seems to be able to tumble down any minute.


Forbidding and dark inside, not many cats- no, no cats have ever been inside. The river flows into this cave and keeps on flowing, flowing.. flowing....

Snow Land

Very, very far away from BristleClan's territory, this barren landscape hosts little life, and the leaf-bare never seems to end here. It's unimaginable why anyone would come here.

Kittypet Fence

Territorial borders to kittypets from the twolegplace, these "fences", as kittypets call them, are on the edge of our territory. Only the cats roam around them, rarely twolegs, but if a cat crosses over, prepare your claws BristleClan.


Far from our territory, twolegs bustle around these hard stone Thunderpaths, covered in large stone cube-like dens and shiny water-like towers. Rogues and other animals such as rats, raccoons, and pigeons roam here.


This is one thing our ReedClan ancestors may have passed down to us. When ReedClan was destroyed, the Clan took a new leader (me) and we moved north up the river. We marked our territory and settled down near the river. You can catch fish or take a swim, just don't cross to the other side to the other clan's territories!

Moss Hill

Ever wonder where the moss in your bedding comes from? Wonder no longer, inquisitive cats! This is where the apprentices come to relax and collect moss, The small stream is quite calming, isn't it? Be careful not to slip!

Herb Field

Here's the source of our plentiful herbs! A medicine cat's dream, this field was planted by twolegs a very long time ago, but, abandoned as we found it, quickly BristleClan claimed it for their own.

Poppy Fields

One of the great wonders of BristleClan, our beautiful poppy fields. Not very good for hunting, but sometimes you just gotta stop and smell the... uh... poppies?

Hunting Valley

BristleClan hunts mostly birds, weasels, rodents, and anything else we can get our paws on. No, we do not eat foxes, badgers, and bears. But if you're willing, hopefully you aren't, hang out for a while and keep your nose sharp, they're common around here!

Training Hollow

This is where future warriors, apprentices that is, train battle skills taught by their mentors. Mentors are warriors assigned to teach apprentices.

Elders' Den

Beware! Grumpy elders ahead! Apprentices with prey, mouse bile, or herbs only! Or, if you wanna hear a story or two, step right in! They won't bite! Well, hopefully not.


This is possibly the most strange place in camp. Filled with crazy kits, queens who are highly protective of them, and possibly the Eighth Wonder of the World. The nursery!

Apprentices' Den

The apprentices love this private, personal sanctuary of theirs. No more queens to boss them around, no one to tell them to go to sleep, or to not talk at night, etc. etc.

Warriors' Den

The warriors den, a place of sanctuary and resting after a battle. Chat with the warriors here!

Medicine Cat's Den

Come here to get your wound treated bu our medicine cat. Dugout by a fox, abandoned, then found by BristleClan, complete with a mini-water pool inside, it almost makes you want to get sick!

Leader's Den

You can come and talk to me here. Ask questions, make suggestions, or just chat!

Fresh-Kill Pile

This is where you can chat and share prey with friends near an old tree stump.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Camp Clearing

This is where you can just hang out and chat.

Mate's Page

Here's where you can announce your love for another cat in the clan. A list of all other cats looking for mates will be posted here too.

Looking for mates:
Angelfur - She-cat
Smokefeather - Tom
Dreamriver - She-cat


Here's where you can ask questions, make suggestions, etc. etc. I will get back to you ASAP!

Medicine Cat Herbs

Here's a list of all the herbs medicine cats use in treating cat's wounds.

~Alder Bark-used for tooth aches or jaw pain.

~Aloe Vera-Speeds up the healing of topical wounds, relieves heartburn and indigestion, and also works as a laxative if consumed regularly.

~Anise- Gets rid of bad smelling breath.

~Ash Tree-New shoots are to be eaten, and chewed to ward off the effects of a adder. Seeds of the Ash tree may also be consumed to relieve a cramp in ones side.

~Borage Leaves-one of the best things to give to a cat with a fever, and Helps nursing queens produce milk

~Broken Rosemary Blossoms-Used to heal eye infection or to cover up wounds around the eyes or eyelids.

~Broom Poultice- a combination of different herbs, used to treat wounds and broken legs.

~Burdock Root-Given to a cat with a rat bite (A root that is chewed up and given to a cat)

~Cat Nip- Given to a cat with Greencough or Blackcough(A a green plant that is chewed up and distributed-it has a flavorful aroma)

~Celandine- Given to a cat with pain in the eyes.

~Charmoline-Given to a cat to help "Calm the Mind" or soothe the stomach(A type of plant that is chewed up and distributed)

~Chervil-the juice of the leaves heals infected wounds, and if you chew the root it helps bellyache (A helpful plant, leaves and root can be chewed up and distributed)

~Colt's foot-used to treat kit cough, Also used to help stimulate breathing.

~Cob Webs-Given to a cat to help stop the bleeding(of a wound etc.)~(A wad of cobwebs is pressed onto the wound or cut)

~Comfrey-When chewed into a poultice and applied, can clear up pretty much any skin irritation, including burns, cuts and mosquito bites.

~Crushed Iris Petals-Used to stimulate breathing during the birthing process. This can also be used for kit’s sore throats.

~Crushed Pawpaw Roots-Used for kitten cough, which threatens only kittens.~Daisy Leaves-Given to a cat with joint pain.

~Death Berries-Deadly poisons masked in scarlet red. STAY AWAY!(three can kill even the strongest warrior)

~Dock Leaves-lubricant, makes things slippery, also used for joint pains.

~Feverfew-Used to reduce fever, combined with lavender to calm nerves and cure chill.

~Ginger- Good for curing stomach aches.

~Goldenrod-Used to treat wounds and to ease pain.

~Horsetail-helps prevent infection, and used to soothe and heal infected wounds.

~Juniper Berries-Given to a cat with a bellyache, also used for cough, and to help a cat breath easier.

~Lavender-combined with feverfew to cure chills.

~Marigold Leaves-Helps heal wounds (also relieves pain)

~Mouse Bile-Given to a cat with ticks~(A wad of moss soaked in mouse bile is distributed to tick infested area, sooner or later the ticks drop off)

~Peathingy Flower Petals-Used to help a kit with kitten cough. Will help to clear clogged throats and nasal passages.

~Poppy Seeds-Given to a cat to ease the pain, or help them sleep~(Seeds shaken from a poppy plant and licked up)

~Sage-The roots are used for cracked pads. Use with poppy seeds.

~Snapdragon Seeds-Used to clear up ringworm and to help rid the body of fleas.

~Sugar Berries-Have no medical properties, but can trick ticks into eating something not so tasty. Are easily mistaken for deathberries, but can be determined by the fact that birds can eat them, while they usually stay away from deathberries.

~Tansy-Relieves a cough.

~Thinned Out Heather Down-Used to help with the indigestion of a kit. It will help to line a kit’s stomach, and absorb the juices that produce the uncomfortable feeling.

~Thyme-Given to a cat in a state of shock, helps to cure shock~(A useful plant which is chewed up and distributed)~

~Water Mint-Used to cure bellyache. Found near marshy land and water.

~Willow Leaves and Bark-Water from beneath the bark of the flowering willow may be put into the eyes to help clear clouding of vision. It also cures itches.Small amounts of Willow Bark may be eaten as a pain killer. It will also help cure fevers.

~Windflower Shoots-Used for stomach cramps, such as cramps that came when a she-cat becomes pregnant.

~Yarrow-Given to a cat to make them sick~(A certian type of leaf/herb which is chewed up and distributed)

Welcome To BristleClan!

Welcome to BristleClan! My name is Sparrowstar, and I am leader of this here clan. We are strong, wise, and agile. We hunt just like true cats, and trespassers are not allowed. But, if you wish, you may join our ranks and become one of us, training to become stronger and to protect our clanmates.

*Please do NOT join as Leader, Deputy, or Head Warrior. Do NOT join as medicine cat unless the position is not filled yet. ONLY 1 medicine cat, 1 apprentice at one time! Please do not join as medicine cat helper, part-time med. cat, etc. You may reserve the position for one of your ALREADY PLAYED cats if one of the other med. cats retires, quits, dies, etc.

Please fill out this form if you wish to join us. Fill it out completely, and I will add you ASAP.

Cat's Name:
Warrior Name: (Optional)
Mate: (Optional)
Kits: (Optional)
Picture Link: